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- Harvey, K. (2003). Property development: GST handbook. Sydney, Australia: TAXability.
- Harvey, K. (2003). Property development: Income tax handbook. Sydney, Australia: TAXability.
- Harvey, K. (2005). GST & the going concern exemption. Sydney, Australia: Information Exchange Corporation.
- Harvey, K. (2006). A Practical Guide to Service Entity Arrangements. Sydney, Australia: Thomson Legal & Regulatory.
- Harvey, K., Kolliou, G., Mighals, D., & Tang, A. (2006). Lawyers Tax Manual, Chapters 3 to 7. Sydney, Australia: LexisNexis.
Journal Articles
- Athanasiou, Arthur. Harvey, Keith. Bilardi, Shane. Get a Grip! - CGT. Taxation in Australia, Vol. 36, No. 6, December-January 2001/02: 290-292
- Harvey, Keith. The right advice: issues surrounding the Financial Services Reform Act ('FSRA') 2001. Taxation in Australia, Vol. 36, No. 5, Nov 2001: 253-254.
- Harvey, Keith. GST and property [Series of three parts]: Part 1: Landlord and tenant issues. Taxation in Australia, Vol. 36, No. 8, Mar 2002: 425-429. Updated article: GST & Property - Landlord & Tenant. Taxation in Australia, Vol. 38, No. 2, August 2003: 85-91
- Harvey, Keith. GST and property [Series of three parts]: Part 2: Vendor and purchaser issues. Taxation in Australia, Vol. 36, No. 9, Apr 2002: 471-475. Updated article: GST & Property - Vendor & Purchaser. Taxation in Australia, Vol 38, No. 3, September 2003: 137-143
- Harvey, Keith. GST and property [Series of three parts]: Part 3: Property developers [online]. Taxation in Australia, Vol. 37, No. 1, July 2002: 14-17. Updated article: GST for Property Developers. Taxation in Australia, Vol 38, No. 4, October 2003: 198-2023
- Harvey, Keith. Financial sector reforms: financial sector reforms catch lawyers and accountants napping. Taxation in Australia, Vol. 37, No. 2, Aug 2002: 89-94.
- Harvey, Keith. Obtaining an Australian financial services licence. Taxation in Australia, v.37, no.4, Oct 2002: 201-204
- Harvey, Keith. When will the supply of a Going Concern be GST-Free? Taxation in Australia, v.37, no.8, March 2003
- Kolliou, George. Harvey, Keith. GST Treatment of Lease, Hire Purchase and Chattel Mortgage Facilities. Taxation in Australia, v.37, no.10, May 2003
- Harvey, Keith. Partnerships of trusts, an endangered species? Law Institute Journal 2005 Nov
- Harvey Keith. Property law [series]., Federal taxes on real property transactions and GST update; Melbourne: Leo Cussen Institute, 2005
- Harvey, Keith. Tang, Anna. Tax Cases: Trust distribution resolutions, are yours effective? Taxation in Australia, Vol. 41, No. 2, Sep 2006
- Harvey, Keith. Johnston, Vanessa. Tax Cases: A question of Profit Taxation in Australia, Vol. 41, No. 4, Oct 2006
- Harvey, Keith. Johnston, Vanessa. Tax Cases: Can loans to beneficiaries be tax deductible contributions? Taxation in Australia, Vol. 41, No. 5, Nov 2006
- Harvey, Keith. Tang, Anna. Making it your business, a new structure for law firms. Law Institute Journal 2007 July
- Harvey, Keith. Can Part IVA apply to legitimate components of a transaction. Taxation in Australia Vol. 42 No. 4 October 2007
- Harvey, Keith. Tax Cases: Form over substance - the taxpayers' indefatigable battle (A Tax Payer v Commissioner of Taxation [2006] AATA 980). Taxation in Australia, Vol. 42, No. 9, Apr 2007
- Harvey, Keith. Tax Cases: Court questions “what is a supply” – forfeited deposits. Taxation in Australia, Vol. 43, No. 2, Aug 2007
- Johnston, Vanessa. Harvey, Keith. How many times can the Commissioner tax one income stream? Taxation in Australia, v.42 No 10 May 2008